02 Mending the chipped rim of the round bowl / Mr. Okada.





 caution !   Here, we will be mending the chipped rim using 《Kanshitsu Kintsugi 》method.  Will be using real Urushi, so some people may get a rash. Using rubber gloves is highly recommended.


In this chapter, you will learn from〈Apply Urushi on cracked parts〉 to 〈apply gold as a finishing touch.〉




▸ Page 01





STEP 04  Undercoating with Ursushi.

Tools and material you need for undercoating with Urushi.

  • Tools: ② Tissue paper ③ Spatula (Tsuke-Bera) ▶︎How to make (Tsuke-Bera)④ Small paint brush ⑦ Work surface/board(Clear files will do the job.) ・Rubber gloves
  • Materials: ① Vegetable cooking oil  ⑤ Refined Urushi ( I used Bengara Urushi.)  ⑥Turpentine oil

 Caution !!   Make sure you put on a rubber glove when using real Urushi. DO NOT touch Urushi with your bare hands. 



First of all, let’s wash the oil from the paint brush using turpentine oil.
 ▸ 詳しい筆の洗い方 ▶︎ How to wash the brush properly.



Brush will be holding some oil, make sure you take off all the oil. (The reason why the brush has oil is that we clean the brush with oil after using it.)

  1.   Apply few drops of turpentine oil on work surface.
  2.   Swirl the paint brush over the oil and let the brush soak the oil.
  3.   Lay the brush on top of the tissue paper and with the gently squeeze out the oil.



  1. Open the Urushi tube. ( The copour i am using in this photo is called “Ro-Iro.” It means beautifully glossy black.)
  2. Take out small amount of Urushi on work surface.
  3. Temper Urushi with the brush.
  4. Try drawing few lines on the work surface and adjust the amount of Urushi you want the brush to hold.


note: You may find some tiny foreign object mixed in Urushi. If you do find them, filter it with filtering paper before use.

 ▸ 基本的な漆の扱い方・濾し方  ▶︎ The basic way to use and filter Urushi.





When all the groundwork is done, it’s time to roll.



Apply Urushi over the putty completely.

Try not to go out the line too much. (However, since we must cover the putty, it will go out the slightly.)


Urushi is easily peeled off when it is applied onto a slippery ceramic. 



Apply Urushi evenly and try to keep it thin.  This is the ground rule.


Adjust the amount of Urushi on the brush by adding or taking it off on the work surface. 


When you have finished covering the whole area, add a finishing touch and move the brush back and forth with a gentle stroke to make sure Urushi is painted evenly.



 Painting on Urushi part is now finished.

Store in a humid place ( 65% or more humidity.) for 1 to 2 days.




Now let’s clean the brush.

 ▸ 詳しい筆の洗い方 ▶︎ How to wash the brush properly.

  1. Let the brush soak up the oil.
  2. Lay the brush on top of the tissue paper and then squeeze out gently using the spatula.


 When you finish cleaning the brush, put a cap on and put it back where you normally store.

If you do not have a cap, wrap it with cling film.






STEP 05 Filing the Urushi base coating.


Tools and materials you need.

  • Tools: ③ Small dish ( To put water.)  ④Waste cloth  ⑤ Scissors( For cutting sand paper.)
  • Materials: ① Water proof sand paper (#800)  ② Water



Now let’s start filing the dried Urushi.


  1. Tools you need when filing.
  2. Cut the sand paper 1cm × 1cm.
  3. Fold in three.
  4. Put a little bit of water.




Now let’s try to make even more flatter and smoother surface by filing the Urushi.



Dip the water proof sand paper in the water and file Urushi area.

Try to avoid filing the original surface.

(However, it is so difficult no to.)



 File the surface as smooth as possible.



↑This is the best I could do.  The darker part is where it is dented.  Which means I missed filing that part.  However, for this time I will finish it by sprinkling the brass powder, it will not show up. 


When you are using gold or silver powder for finish, it is better not to compromise the filing part.






STEP 06 Final coating → 〈Makie〉(Sprinkling gold powder)

Tools and materials you need for Urushi coating.

  • Tools: ② Tissue paper ③  Spatula( 〈Tsuke Bera〉▶︎ How to make 〈Tsuke Bera〉④ small brush ⑦ work surface/board(clear file will do.)
  • Materials: ① Vegetable oil ⑤ Refined Urushi (This time I usued 〈Ro Iro Urushi〉) ⑥ Turpentine oil



First let’s wash away the oil from the brush using turpentine oil.
 ▸ 詳しい筆の洗い方 ▶︎ How to wash your brush in detail.



The brush will contain some oil, so make sure to wash away the oil every time before using.

  1. Apply a few drops of turpentine oil on the board.
  2. Move the brush gently and let it soak the turpentine oil.
  3. Squeeze out the oil from the brush using the spatula on tissue paper.



Now, it’s time to do 〈Makie〉.

〈Makie〉is a technique to sprinkle the metal powder on Urushi when it is still wet.



 For 〈Makie〉, we must coat Urushi even thinner and finer.

When the coating is too thick, the metal power when applied will sink in. Therefore try coating thinly and evenly.



Store it in a humid place (65% or more humidity is ideal.), and let it dry 20 to 40 minutes. (Until it starts to dry, but it is quite tricky to know when.)


note : Use a cardboard box to store. Put a wet towel (squeeze well!) inside the box to add humidity.




塗り終わったら油で筆を洗います。 ▸ 詳しい筆の洗い方

Wash the brush with oil after using, ▶︎How to wash the brush in details.

  1. Soak oil to the brush
  2. Squeeze out using spatula on tissue paper.


Put a lid on after washing.

If you don’t have a lid, wrap it with cling film.




Now, let’s sprinkle some 〈Makie Fun〉(Makie powder=Metal powder).

Tools and material for Makie.

  • Tools: ①Ashirai Kebou (Brush with soft hair)  ③ small paperweight
  • Materials: ④ Makie Fun( I used tin powder)





Scoop a small amount if tin powder on tip of the Ashirai Kebou (Brush) and place the powder onto Urushi.

Do this over the tin powder paper, so that the tin powder won’t be wasted.



Using the tip of the brush, gently sweep and

spread the tin powder all over the Urushi area.



The side is little bit tricky.



Makie is done for Kanshitsu Kintsugi. 





  Kanshitsu Kintsugi for mending chipped rim is done.




















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